How Do You Recycle Plastic Film?

plastic bags

Plastic film is made of PP, PE, and PVC and is used for packaging and as a laminate. Common thin film plastics include plastic bags, woven bags, agricultural films, etc. Plastic packaging and plastic packaging products are taking up a larger and larger share of the market and have been widely used in food, medicine, and chemicals. Among them, food packaging accounts for the largest proportion, such as beverage packaging, frozen food packaging, fast food packaging, etc., and these products have brought great convenience to people’s lives.

Because it is easy to use and has a wide range of applications, the market demand for plastic film is rising in all sectors. However, because plastic is resistant to corrosion and does not easily decompose, littered film fragments can form a barrier to the soil and deteriorate the quality of arable land. When plastic waste is washed away by rainwater over a long period of time, the toxic additives in plastic can enter groundwater, rivers, and lakes, causing pollution and endangering human health!

Therefore, recycling plastic film makes the best use of its intrinsic value, while saving resources and protecting the environment. Shuliy Machinery provides a professional plastic film granulating line and has helped customers in many countries profit from their plastic recycling business.

Plastic Recycling Granulating Line Process

plastic film recycling line
Plastic Film Recycling Line

What are the Common Recyclable Plastic Films?

Common recyclable thin film plastics are disposable plastic bags, shopping bags, woven bags, food packaging bags, agricultural films, and industrial films. They are usually made of PP PE and can be recycled and reused.